The Life of Superman

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Superhero life and Ordinary life

It all started when Jor-El one of the most smartest and most prestigious scientists in the entire planet realized that krypton would explode. He figured it was too late to save his planet but he could at least save his son. He then sent his son Kal-El to planet earth hoping that he would live life to its fullest. Kal-El arrived at the farm of Jonathan and Martha Kent. Throughout the years young Kal-El learned to accept that he was different and he learned to use his powers.

Returning to Smallville at the age of 25, he decides that it's time for him to start making a difference in the world, using the Kryptonian symbol of hope given to him by his parents as his heritage. Designing a costume after traditional Kryptonian clothing with no mask so the public might trust him

Securing a job interview at the Daily Planet with Perry White, he meets Jimmy Olsen for the first time and immediately falls in love with Lois Lane. He is forced to make his first public appearance as Superman, saving both of them when the city is attacked by experimental military helicopters. Lex Luthor (future arch enemy) is revealed to be responsible in an act of corporate sabotage against Wayne Enterprises, meeting and coming into conflict with Superman for the first time.

Lois inspires Superman to fight back through Kryptonite poisoning, and Jimmy gives him good reputation by taking pictures of his heroism during the war. Superman is ultimately able to end the attacks, exposing Luthor's scheme and proving himself as a hero to humanity